There are two ways you can add staff breaks to your calendar, on the main screen calendar or in the Roster screen.

Main Screen Calendar:

1. Under the calendar of the chosen staff member, click on any time slot to create a break (as you would to create a new appointment). 

2. This window will appear. Where it says 'Add as a Break', select the save button. 

3. The break will now appear in the staff calendar.

4. To adjust the time of the break, drag it down to desired length. 

5. You can select a longer break when first creating it by clicking on the calendar and dragging it. 

Deleting Staff Breaks

To delete a staff break, simply click on the break in their calendar and select 'Delete'.

Roster Screen:

1. Select 'More' then 'Staff' from the main menu.

2. Select 'Roster' from the top menu.

3. Select the staff member and click on the drop down to change to add 'Break'.

4. Click on desired time/day on the calendar and click/drag to create a break.